Category Archives: Internet

Is Your Security Software Actually Working?

Ever wonder if the security tools you have installed on your computer actually work? Here is a link you can use to check those tools and just how effective they may or may not be:

AMTSO Security Features Check:

If the report raises more questions or alarms than what you are comfortable with, please feel free to get in touch with our team.


WiFi KRACKs Attack

Now that the information of the vulnerability in the WPA2 protocol has been released publicly, here is a link to what has happened: The WPA2 protocol is used in every wireless device on the market today.  If you don't want to read the whole article, basically what you need to do is to research if your Wireless Router, Access Point, IoT device etc. has had a firmware release to deal with this as well as making sure that all of your operating systems (Windows, Linux and yes, macOS) are updated. For my customers, I have already applied the firmware updates necessary to negate this vulnerability....